Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
From: Hadassah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sheikh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi interview with Gail Lichtman

         Excerpt from Jerusalem Post Interview:  Al Qaeda Acknowledges that 
Sheikh Palazzi is Right:

         "Palazzi believes that Israel exists by 'divine right' and that 
the Koran clearly states (Sura 5:21) that God granted the Land of ISRAEL 
to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle there.  In addition, 
it is predicted that before the end of days, God will bring the Children 
of Israel to retake possession of the Land, gathering them from the 
different countries and nations (Sura 17:104).

         "Oddly enough, Palazzi's reading of the Koran is backed up by, of 
all sources, Al Qaida.

         The Al Qaida website recently carried an article entitled, 'The 
Jews Are Unworthy of the Promised Land' 
[http://www.debka.com/article.php?aid=1064].  As translated by 
DEBKAfile.com [www.debka.com], the article reads, 'Allah decided to test 
the Jews when they were still an oppressed people [while in EGYPT].  He 
seeks to lead them to the path of faith and victory and therefore urges 
them to conquer the Land of ISRAEL.  They [the Jews] are even more afraid 
to fight for the Promised Land than they are of God.  For this reason, the 
Jewish People does not find it hard to break the covenant between God and 
Abram which awarded the Land of ISRAEL to the Jewish People for all 

         "But while Al Qaida comes to the conclusion that the Jewish People 
has not lived up to its end of the bargain and therefore the covenant is 
abrogated, giving Muslims the right to the Land, Palazzi believes that the 
covenant is still very much in force".



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