>===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
>John Bradbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Pictures where the light is from the side or front are great (especially
>> with Vuescan) but backlight NO. Shooting portraits on neg. with fill
>> flash is fine. Anyone else had similar results?
>I had some backlit shots I took recently that were very disappointing.
>I think the film was Superia 100.  I'm mostly blaming my own stupidity
>for not taking a spot reading off the model's face, but I thought the
>camera's spot mode would be enough - it wasn't.  Anyway I found I
>could get a semi reasonable image by adjusting the white point in
>Vuescan, so I had the lab reprint the negs exposing for the subject
>not the background and they were much improved.  Either way you
>lose the background highlight detail, but that was to be expected.

You could also try using a higher gamma in Vuescan and decreasing the image 
brightness value to hold the highlights back.  The idea would be to get the 
proper gamma for your model and then adjust the image brightness value to hold 
some detail in the background.  All this is done under the Color tab of 

I find it helps to turn auto exposure off (Options tab) if for some reason the 
preview and scan images don't match.

Joel Wilcox

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