=shAf= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     One can wonder if comparisons can be made, but I use a LS-2000
> with a PII/350 ... and an Adaptec 2940U2W controller and two Seagate
> LVD drives, and have never seen a hint of this problem.

I'd say that your hard drives help a *great* deal.  Once I get my computer
working with UDMA66 I'll try a problem slide again with Nikonscan to see if
the jaggies have gone away.

> Many have pointed to this LS-30 problem, and I don't know that the
> same problem doesn't exist with the LS-2000

I seem to recall at least one LS2000 owner saying they experienced it. I
suspect that other LS2000 owners have had computers so high spec that RAM,
CPU speed and drive transfer speed hasn't been an issue.

I just tried the problem slide again since I upgraded to 160MB RAM and the
jaggies are still there.  In the case of my computer at the moment I am
convinced it's the fact that the hard drive isn't running in UDMA which
means it steals too many CPU cycles.


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