Hi folks!

I wonder if anyone can give me some pointers on how to achieve 
something in Photoshop.

My Elite has a couple of very faint single pixel tramlines in the 
green channel.  These are invisible in 99% of scans but do start to 
become obvious if I have to really pull up shadow detail but cannot 
increase exposure (in order to preserve highlight detail).  Currently, 
I use the marquee tool in Photoshop to highlight the whole line and 
the Median filter to blend in with the adjacent lines.

This is OK but the lines only really affect the deep shadow detail. 
 (It looks like these 2 CCD elements are returning a slightly higher 
base value than the others.)  Once above this level, these elements 
are fine and return proper mid and highlight data - and I don't want 
to apply the Median filter to the good data.  What I really want to do 
is find a way of only selecting the pixels below a particular value in 
the line and apply the Median filter to those pixels only.

Any ideas how I can do this, or any other approaches which might do 
the same thing?

(Incidentally, I did a scan of a piece of opaque card in the slide 
holder with same exposure settings, to get a CCD anomaly scan, and 
subtracted this from the main scan.  This removed the lines nicely 
from the shadow areas but ADDED a new line in the highlight areas! 
 This seems to backup my conclusion that the CCD anomalies only affect 
a limited range of low values.)


Al Bond

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