Photoscientia wondered:
> Did you ever get that damned Panasonic 7502 to write
> reliably at 4 speed?

I'm not Roman, but I have.

> I tried mine with all of the firmware 'upgrades', and
> with every system configuration I could think of.
> I even tried it with several different SCSI cards, and
> always got a buffer underrun, or some obscure SCSI
> error when I tried to use it at 4 speed.

The main factor I've found determining whether I can write at quad spin
is the speed of the hard drive.  When I was using Win95 with the Intel mobo
drivers, I could write entire CDs at 4X without a problem (7502B BIOS 2.17
I think).  At the moment Win98SE refuses to enable DMA on the boot drive,
so I'm limited to 2X except for writing amounts small enough to be fully
memory buffered.  Come to think of it, the issue may not be hard drive speed
but DMA - without DMA the hard drive steals too many CPU cycles from the
CDR and software.  Nero seems to be the most reliable with the 7502 - of
the software I've tried.

>What a heap of ****!

Actually I think it's a very reliable drive.  My only objection is that
the most recent BIOS for the 7502 breaks the drive's ability to write 80min
CDRs which worked with earlier BIOS versions.  However, given that 80min
CDRs seem to be more trouble than they're worth on most drives, I'm not
stressing about it.

>BTW, I think flashing a video card bios is the most dangerous thing that
>you can do standing still at ground level.;^)

Cheaper than risking a BIOS flash on a $750 Mobo with onboard SCSI. :-P
(and no I still haven't risked it)

Obscanning (kind of): Looks like I have to buy dataptec easy CD deluxe to
get packet writing.  Packet writing would make backing up scan a lot simpler.



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