After reading several comments about the speed of loading Photoshop 6, I decided
to run a few simple comparisons.  I am working with a 450 Mhz "Home-brew" computer
with an ASUS P2B motherboard, 384 mb memory, 5 Gb free on a 16 Gb hard drive,
and Windows 98. With relatively few competing processes, I found that 5.02 loaded the first
time in 28 seconds and subsequently loaded in an average of 12 seconds.  6.0 loaded the
first time in 33 seconds, with subsequent average load times of 14 seconds.
I was surprised, since I had the perception that 6.0 loaded faster.
P. S. My 6.0 causes a crash whenever I try to crop.  I have been in contact with Adobe
Support and they haven't been able to solve the problem; they have referred the problem
to a higher support level.

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