> Sounds like someone that knows everything has put themselves in charge of the 
> list

If you mean me, the arrogant SOB who cops for the bills, I certainly don't know 
everything and have learned a lot from others on this list. 

> the rest that dot know to much can just go pound salt.

See that thing in front of you, it's a keyboard. You can use it to ask questions,
instead of taking a pop at people. Virtual Grouse Shooting, 
http://www.hotbarrels.com/html/virtual_game.htm might be more up your street. But I'd 
rather we tried to deal with the questions, personally. So what do you want to know?

> Afterall we 
> aren't here to learn and teach, when will people learn, this is a mutual 
> admiration society!

Really? Please explain why you think this.

Incidentally, please turn off HTML posting in your email client.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 

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