> Bill Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One interesting aspect of the linear array vs. the grid
> > is that in the array, light can only 'bleed' in one 
> > dimension, i.e. to 2 neighboring pixels rather than 8.
> Interesting point, although the aliasing isn't due to bleed
> between CCD elements AFAIK, but by the physical limits
> of the size of an element.
> Optical bleeding may account for some softening?

Yes.  When a photon strikes a CCD, it generates (with a certain probability
represented by the detectors quantum efficiency) an electron.  Most of these
electrons are captured by potential wells that define a pixel.  However,
these wells are not perfect.  The edges are rounded and an electron
generated between pixels may end up in either well.  

Slight softening of the pixel edges may be a good thing - it will _reduce_
the effects of alaising.  But lets not go there again.  ;~)

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