Title: filmscanners: but which printer is good enough?
Could be OT, but among filmscanners, maybe not:

In considering Epson 1160 vs 1200 vs 2000p, given the following:

1.  1160 has 4 colors and 4 picoliter droplets and can use bulk Generations pigments with  CIS
    1200 has 6 colors and 6 picoliter droplets and can use bulk Generations pigments with CIS

2.  Both of the above can be set up with Cone quadtone B&W as well.

3.  2000 has 6 colors and cannot use bulk inks with CIS, but uses its own pigments.

(Let me know if the above  is NOT all correct.)

What are 2000p users getting for the extra money for the printer and inks, compared to these other two choices?

Why would one prefer the 1160 over the 1200, or the other way around?


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