At 7:27 PM -0600 1/15/01, Laurie Solomon wrote:
>If my understandings of the E-6 process are correct, there are two
>developing processes and a bleaching process followed by a redevelopment
>process. The first development process develops the latent image on the
>transparency film as a black and white image; the second development process
>adds the color.  At this stage in the game the film contains a color
>negative image.  It is then bleached and redeveloped which reverses the
>image and transforms it from a negative color image to a positive color
>To do what you suggest, it would have to take place after the second
>developer and before the bleaching process.  At that point there would need
>to be some sort of permanent fixing process to fix the negative color image
>on the film.  I do not know if it is possible to insert such a fixing
>process into that stage of the process or how it would be done.  It just
>might be the case that the existing image at that stage in the game might be
>too fragile to permanently fix or there may not be appropriate fixers to do
>it.  I do think it is possible to do this after the first developer when the
>negative image is black and white.

Hi Laurie,
        The E6 process is a bit different from what you remember. The 
steps, in order, are First Developer, then the Reversal Bath, then 
the Colour Developer (followed by Pre-Bleach, Bleach and Fixer).
        So, unfortunately, you won't have a negative colour image 
after the second (Colour) developer. Now, I wonder what would happen 
if you left out the reversal bath and went straight to the Colour 
Developer...  I've never bothered to try such a drastic move, but it 
might be interesting.

Roger Smith

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