I wish I could help you, but I had the same problem trying to use the ColorCal Profiler RGB software, with the Epson 1640SU scanner. I was equally bufuddled and could never get a good result. In fact the results were atrocious. I ended up doing a manual calibration with this Profiler RGB software. Took me most of a day, but I've been satisfied ever since. Will be interested to hear what people can tell you. You'd think there'd be a single checkbox in the flatbed scanner Twain software that says, "Turn off all color management options". If there is, I sure couldn't find it.

Frank Paris

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Howard Griffin
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 6:54 PM
To: Filmscanners Mailing List
Subject: filmscanners: How to set Epson driver to NO color correction for profiling?

I would really appreciate some help.  I am trying to profile my Epson 2000P printer using Monaco EZcolor 1.6.  To do this I must print a (Monaco-supplied) profiling image on the 2000P, tape a (Monaco-supplied) target just below the printed image, and scan the whole business on a flatbed scanner, which, in my case, is an Epson 1240U using the Epson Twain 5 driver.  There is a *strict* requirement to turn off all color management options in the Epson Twain 5 driver.  Therein lies my problem: how do I turn off color management in the Epson driver?  Specifically, my confusion, in all its gory details, is:
What is the difference between: 1) the highlight and shadow sliders in the Image Controls dialog box, and 2)  the output settings in the Tone Correction dialog box? 
Tone Correction Dialog Box.
According to the help menus, the output settings "allow you to fix points on the tone curve so that they will not be affected by changes you make to surrounding points."  The defaults are, Highlight: 245, Midtone: 128, and Shadow: 8.  I think I understand these settings and believe that, for a neutral, color-uncorrected scan, I would set the highlights to 255 and the shadows to 0.
Image Controls Dialog Box.
With regard to the Image Controls dialog box I am completely befuddled. 
For the Highlight slider the help menu states, "This slider controls the highlight level. It can be set within a range of 61 to 490, and all parts of the image that are brighter than the specified value become white. This setting and the Exposure setting are related, making one affects the other." 
For the Shadow slider it states: "This slider controls the shadow level. It can be set within a range of 0 to 60, and all parts of the image that are darker than the specified value become black." 
For the Exposure slider it states:  "This slider controls image brightness. It can be set within a range of -10 to 20, with brightness becoming greater as the Exposure value increases. This setting and the Highlight setting are related, changing one affects the other."
How do I interpret ranges of 61-490 for highlights and 0 to 60 for shadows?  If I set the highlight to 255 (out of 490!?) it automatically resets the "exposure" slider to -1.  What does this mean?
In short, how do I set these two controls to ensure that I will be getting scans that have no driver color management? 
Undying gratitude for some insight here!

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