In a message dated 01/22/2001 9:49:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<<  1. This is the result of the deregulation "let's let the free market 
 all our problems" mania which comes mainly from so-called conservative folks 
 as the one we just got selected for pres... looks like one of his first moves
 will be to "de-regulate" public education with his voucher program... Ought 
to be
 interesting to watch the price of the private schools go up....
 Also the lobbying efforts of Duke Energy and their cohorts helped a lot... 
 out who the Ca. utilities owe the money to....
 2. This is way OT. All it will do is incite more useless diatribe between 
 like us.:) >>

Last time I checked California's governing body was HUGELY democratic.  
Precisely the reason they didn't build any power plants.  The liberals (i.e. 
tree-huggers) say not in my backyard.  They don't want any pollution, they 
want to spend millions on the survival of a certain species of bird, etc, 
etc.  Then when something happens, who screams the loudest?? Liberals, of 
course who want to blame it on conservatives!
      BTW, If you want to blame someone at the national level, why not Bill 
C?  This crisis has been evolving for over 10 years, and he didn't do 
anything for 8 years.  Oh I know, you'll blame it on the older George Bush!!! 
     My last response to this, I promise!
Ed in Atlanta 

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