On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Michael Wilkinson wrote:

> Hi Paul.
> First priority to me would be the input device.
> Once you have bought it will last years and still be making good scans
> when you have gone through several computer upgrades.
> Any computer, Mac or PC will do what you want with your digital files
> but your digital files need to be the best you can get to start with.
> Have a look at the Kodak 3600 scanner.
> You need to get a monitor which you know you can calibrate so your on
> screen colours match your output,or visa versa.

The external monitor port on the G3 powerbook can drive any monitor.
Can any monitor be calibrated using Apple ColorSync?  Or does that require
an Apple monitor, or a third party monitor designed specifically to work
with ColorSync?  I was planning to use a Gateway 2000 monitor which I
already have at home on loan from work.  Would this be suitable?  Thanks.
Dr. Paul Patton
Beckman Institute  Rm 3027  405 N. Mathews St.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Urbana, Illinois 61801
work phone: (217)-265-0795   fax: (217)-244-5180
home phone: (217)-344-7863
homepage: http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~ppatton/index.html

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the
source of all true art and science."
-Albert Einstein

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