 You can indeed miss process colour neg film and correct in an editing
If pre soaking in order to bring film up to temperature is not
recommended, why do it ?
If you are going to the trouble and expense of home processing  which
will ultimately cost more than having it done at a pro lab why not aim
for perfection. ?
One of the reasons labs keep their costs down is that they reclaim the
dissolved silver rather than dumping it down the drain,what will you do
with yours ?
For you  its only a small quantity but ultimately an environment
question arises.
Back to the crossed curves bit.
As you are able to correct colours in the shadows ,midtones and
highlights separately in something like Photoshop you can compensate for
inaccurate processing with a high degree of accuracy.
If however you have a great shot and a poor neg you are destined to
never achieving perfection.
regards and have a go

Michael Wilkinson. 106 Holyhead Road,Ketley, Telford.Shropshire TF 15 DJ
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      www.infocus-photography.co.uk
For Trannies and Negs from Digital Files

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Victor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Any thoughts on how much that really matters for negatives that will
: only be used for scanning? Whenever crossed curves are mentioned,
: it usually seems to meant to imply that the life on earth as we know
: it is ending, as far as that image is concerned. But if I'm routinely
: setting the white and black points independently for each channel as
: part of my post-scan routine, would it still be such a show-stopper?
: I'll grant that it's better to stay as close to by-the-book as
: but for all I know my curves might be crossing already. I'm not
: that I'd be able to tell if they were.

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