This is an off topic request.  I am try to get "my affairs in order", 
which includes trying to get my CD-RWs labeled with what is on them.

Apparently, the authors of WIN95, and maybe later versions, didn't 
consider a capability that I had on my Commodore 64 computer, that of 
the ability to print out directories, important enough to include in the OS.

I have downloaded several programs which allow for this ability, but 
none quite fulfill my need.  I am trying to find one which will allow me 
to print several columns of file names, with size of file and date, on a 
standard letter page in a small font without having to truncate to old 
DOS style 8.3 characters names.

I found one which allows me to make 2 or 4 columns, but to do so I must 
use DOS file names.  All the others I found only print one file name per 
line.  This makes for listings of several pages if the disk contains a 
lot of smaller files.  I'd like to condense the size down to one, or at 
most, two pages per CD-RW disk, so it will fit in the disk case.

Anyone familiar with a program for WIN 95 that will do this?


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