Hi Bob,

And thanks.  This is being suggested to me by several people in private 
mail, and it may ultimately be the answer.  Silly to have to go this 
route, but it IS Windows, after all ;-)

It really makes me wonder how people can ask $10-20 shareware fees for 
the programs I downloaded from ZD, since they basically, they basically 
do the first part of the process, but allow for very minimal formatting.

Of course, I'm not a programmer, so maybe it takes genius to do even that...


Reilly, Bob wrote:

> What I have done in the past is to "print" the directories to a file, then
> import the file into a WordPerfect document that I have previously set up
> with two or more columns, sometimes in landscape format.  Set the font to a
> mono-spaced one (like courier) so that the columns line up and adjust the
> font size and margins to taste.  Headers and footers can be added too.
> Bob Reilly

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