I acknowledge that I'm a "newbie" to film scanning, so I'll ask a question 
that may have a very obvious answer: How much sense does it make to purchase 
one or both of Kodak's Q-60 Color Input Targets for calibrating a new 
scanner?  I have well in excess of 1000 slides to archive--about equal 
numbers of Kodachrome and Ektachrome--and the targets cost $40 and $29 

Am I likely to save time and re-work by using the targets for calibration, or 
is there there some "better" (cheaper, quicker, simpler,etc) way to keep the 
scanner in calibration?

BTW, I don't have the scanner yet, although the Acer ScanWit 2720s is at the 
top of my list.

Thanks in advance.


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