I've had the chance to try it out on about a dozen scans after taking care
of business (book store and dinner with my daughter).  I am very pleased
with the new layout and with the organization in terms of what's on which
tab.  I do have to suggestions:

1)    On the Crop tab, move "Rotate" and "Mirror" to the right side of the
tab as they seem to fit better in that group than in the crop-settings
group - I found myself searching for the "Rotate" function several times.

2)    Change the terms Clean, Scrub, and Scour:  Scrub and Scour to me are
the same thing and I get confused as to which is which when I am not
actually looking at the options where they are visually lined up.  Since the
option is named "Clean" already, how about "Light, Medium, Heavy" instead of
"Clean, Scrub, Scour"?

I also ran into what might be a minor bug twice:  when scanning 2 frames
from a filmstrip of 4 it processed the first of the 2 frames twice, though
scanning it just once.  I am using the Nikon LS-30 in a PC with Win98SE, 700
MHz with 384MB RAM.  I noted the particulars of the second instance (I gave
the first no thought) as having a 4-frame film strip in the scanner, setting
Frame numbers as "2-3", "Preview" [both]; "Scan".  Frame 2 was scanned once
and processed and opened in "Corel PhotoPaint 9.  I then returned to Vuescan
and saw that it was processing frame 2 again with a new crop number, which
again opened in PhotoPaint.  Frame 3 then scanned and was processed but
once, and opened in PhotoPaint.

One additional suggestion I did not see mentioned before - it would be nice
if multiple previews were retained for viewing on the Preview Tab, perhaps
stacked or with sub-tabs for each.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:30 PM
Subject: filmscanners: VueScan 7.0 Beta 1 Available

| I just released VueScan 7.0 Beta 1.  I'm not widely publicizing
| this, but the Windows, Mac OS and Linux versions can
| be downloaded from:
|   http://www.hamrick.com/files/vuesca70.exe
|   http://www.hamrick.com/files/vuesca70.sit
|   http://www.hamrick.com/files/vuesca70.tgz
| What's new in version 7.0
|   * Added support for Nikon LS-40
|   * Significantly reorganized user interface
|   * Frames are now scanned in the order specified
|   * Fixed problem with infrared cleaning
|   * Fixed problem with "Auto exposure" option
|   * Fixed problems with path names on Mac OS
| Please let me know if there's anything about the
| user interface that really should be changed, or
| if you find any bugs.  I already know about
| needing to keep the image centered when
| zooming in or out.
| Regards,
| Ed Hamrick

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