Roman Kielich® wrote:
> At 15:30 11/03/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >Similarly, people who have support questions about VueScan should
> >e-mail me directly, not post the questions to the whole group.  A lot of
> >the traffic on this newsgroup related to VueScan shouldn't really
> >be sent to the whole group, but to me directly.
> I disagree. As long as we stay away from Ed Hamrick Fan Club, I welcome
> questions and answers related to your product. It is a part of learning
> process. It may not directly involve me, but I am interested in learning,
> what other groupies do with Vuescan, what the problems are, etc.

I agree completely.  I've certainly learned a lot from this.
> >Lastly, messages that simply say "I agree" or that quote
> >200 lines and add one line of throwaway comment shouldn't
> >really be sent to this mailing list.
> Agreed, I would prefer people to respond from the top, so I do not have to
> scroll to find that pearl of wisdom 200 lines below.

No, no, and no. Answering on top is evil and wrong.

> >It's Tony's list, and he's certainly been quite tolerant of off-
> >topic messages, but keeping things on-topic is something
> >we all (myself included) should keep in mind.
> Tony is working hard for his place in Heavens. ;-{)

If there is  such a place he is assured already.

(optimistic agnostic: if there is a god, 
  I hope she has a sense of humor)

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