----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: OT more copyright questions

Mr Moore
Let me make myself clear to you, and any others with a like minded
I did not join this group to discull copyright issues, I joined to discuss
scanning issues.

As you seem quite unable to distinguish between the two then let me explain
in the most simeple and perhaps basic manner, hoe the internet news system

Copyright is both a complex and wide ranging issue and is not specifically
related to scanners as items of hardware or their associated software,
unless that is you wish to steal someone else's copyright.

This should be obvious to anyone with any intellegence at all and in
naddition they should realise that the best place to discuss this issue is
on a copyright related news group or mailing list.

What I will not accept is massive deviation from the subject implicit to
this list, and as I have just as much right to express my opinion as anyone
else then let me advise the truly stupid that should they continue on this
subject then expect to recieve some truly offensive emails from my good

Off topic subjects are just that and anyone who is so idiotic as to attempt
to engage in such discussion will and indeed must expect to recieve the
bumbs rush  from the more committed list members and with no holds barred I
might add.

I will be leading the charge so be warned......

Let me add just the slightest element of an addendum.

If those protagonists who chose to engage in a flame war on this issue find
themselves unable or unwilling to respect the ethich of the web, then I will
have no option but to complain to their IP's and those dum clucks who do
should have no doubt at all that I.

Any independent observer of this little scene will quickly come to realise
that I have the ethics on my side and the internet law to boot  and the
offenders of those ethics will surely come severely unstuck and will very
much come to regret their actions.


Richard Corbett who wishes to discuss scanning and scanning related software

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