On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:17:40 -0700  Michael Moore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> 1. Have you taken a good look at the new Olympus dye-sub printer... my local 
> supplier has one with sample prints they made from their shots and they look 
> good... and they are true continuous tone, not any kind of dot stuff...

Yes, but they are also small. I need to be able to produce at least A3 size, 
for DPS use.

> 2. The other alternative is to find a good pro or consumer lab which is using
> either a Fuji Frontier or the new Noritsu digital printer to make 8x10's... 
> things will take your digital file or color neg and give you a real silver 
> print... The main trick would be to make sure you calibrate your output to 
> printer...

Maybe you missed my conclusions about the Noritsu - great, apart from the 
posterisation artifact :( Fuji Pictrostat would certainly do the job from what 
I've seen, but I don't know anywhere local who has one. 

Deadlines make all this very difficult. The Noritsu lab is very close and I 
work with them a lot, which is what I need here.

> I agree about the sep houses and art directors (most of those lazy ignorant 
> still want chromes cuz they like to look at 'em on a light box)... I am 
giving my
> clients scans along with prints right now so they can get used to the idea, 
but I
> tell 'em this is a temporary situation until I get my whole system debugged 
> they can see how useful the scans on CD are... I may just work the scan price 
> my shooting time, or I may quote is an optional post production time 
charge... I
> think it's just a matter of a year or so until most pubs and true pro A.D.'s 
> the message....

I've been thinking that for 4 years. It has happened in other sectors - I do a 
lot of report/PR/publication work for charities and similar, and there are none 
of these problems there, they love it. It is the major repro/print house mafia 
who handle UK magazine publishing who are the real problem.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 

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