> Paul wrote:
> > ...
> > ok: from what I understand the max RAM controllable on a
> > windows board is set by the chipset
> ...

    ... and the OS.  That is, Win2k doesn't seem to want to give up
more than 2Gb to any task, unless Frank is correct about Win2k server.
I also believe I read somewhere this same limitation may be limited to
the Photoshop task, but not PS's implimentation of virtual memory ...
that is, you can designate a number of virtual drives, all of which
cannot donate any more than 2Gb each.

    Another thing to consider is the reality of what is demanded of
the finished project.  That is, while the front end of the modern
scanning workflow ... the ever increasing demand for memory and
storage ... increases, the demand at the hardcopy end of the workflow
hasn't.  Even while Epson has, over the last 5 years, gone from 720dpi
to 2880dpi, the required resolution (and file size) has not changed
one bit ... it is still 240ppi!

    I certainly don't have a problem with researching the best
hardware, but I would be careful about sacrificing $$ as you approach
diminishing returns.  I don't know about others, but I can get caught
up in this "hardware" trend sometimes to the extent my holiday $$ are
sacrificed.  My experience is, you'll spend twice as much to only end
up with an extra 10% of extra computing power.  Still, you cannont
ignore some hardwares you'll definitely need ... working storage space
and archiving storage space/media.

my $0.02 ... shAf  :o)

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