Richard wrote:
>There are a whole host of imaging programs which can handle or open 
>PhotoCD format, including Photoshop. None, that I know can write to 
>PhotoCD foramt.

Graphic Workshop Profesional does.

> If Kodak has released PhotoCD to the public, its news 
> to me.

They released a toolkit for software development a couple of years ago.
 AFAIK it only supports writing to standard PCD not Pro PCD.  I was tempted
to buy it myself and build a program to save in PCD format until I found
out that it was lossy.

> I think what you are trying to tell me is that I can cut
> my own Photo CDs. Right?

Kind of - you could certainly make a CDR with a bunch of PCD
files on it.  Proprietary PhotoCD readers probably wouldn't
work unless you figured out the rest of the Kodak PCD disk
format.  But most picture editing software can read PCD
files, so it's not a problem.

> Including the Master or Pro PhotoCD?

See above.

>Go to any graphic program - at least on the Mac side.

I don't know of a Mac program which can write PCD.



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