>----- Original Message -----
>From: Bob Shomler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 3:28 PM
>Subject: RE: filmscanners: Vuescan: "device RGB"
>>  Vuescan has an option to tag files with the selected color space profile
>(except for Device RGB, which according to the help file "doesn't embed any
>ICC profile into the TIFF or JPEG files...").  The embedded profile is
>recognized by Photoshop (at least it is in my config).  ProPhoto RGB is one
>of the color spaces Vuescan offers for file output.
>>  --
>>  Bob Shomler
>>  http://www.shomler.com/gallery.htm
>What color space does Photoshop (6) open a file tagged ProPhoto RGB into?

ProPhotoRGB. You have the choice to 1) preserve the tag: leave it 
alone, as is, 2) convert it to working space, 3) convert to another 
space. You can set the default to any of above. Most people set it to 

>Bob Wright

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