on 3/30/01 11:20 AM, Jon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Here is a link to Epson's recommendation
> http://support.epson.com/webadvice/wa0216.html
> I don't know why they made it so hard to find.
> Jon
>> It would be nice if we could get definitive responses from the
>> manufacturers
>> on this sort of issue.  I haven't seen any such response even on the
>> leben
>> list.  It's all just smoke and mirrors - "this setting works for me".
>> Advice
>> from a manufacturer would save a lot of wastage in test prints.
>> Rob
>> Rob Geraghty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> http://wordweb.com
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Here it is:

Troubleshooting Tip #0216
Scanner resolution for printing

The Line Screen Frequency for EPSON Stylus printers can be calculated using
the following formula:

Printing Resolution       1
 ________________    X   ____  = Line Screen Frequency
        3                 2

You should set the MINIMUM scan resolution at 1/3rd of the desired print
resolution. For example, for a print resolution of 720dpi, you will need to
set the scan resolution to 240dpi or higher. If you are going to increase
the size of the printed image then you should scan at a higher dpi

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