>Thank you Tony.  *Much* appreciated!
>And to Dicky's 'supporter', while I agree that sometimes a break in the
>routine of messages can be entertaining, we should ALL remember that this
>is a public forum.  Anything you wouldn't say loudly in a public place
>(with a police occifer nearby! :), should not be said here either.  I would
>like to be able to introduce someone, even a youngster, to this mailing
>list and invite them to read the messages without cringing at the thought
>of what might be there..
>I wonder if he will re-subscribe under a new address..?  (sorry!)

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I should think.

Personally I shall miss Dicky and his totally unwarranted random 
abuse, most of which was funny whether he intended it to be so or 
not. Now there'll be nothing on this list to distract me from the 
never ending Epson threads, most of which are of course "OF TOPIC".


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