Douglas writes ...

> ...  Nikon Scan 3.0 has worked without the crashes that some have
> complained of.  Nikon Scan wors flawlessly on my system - my OS is Win

    I think this says more for the maturity of the device drivers for this
OS, than the Nikon programmers, although they certainly have been given
plenty of time to mature too.  Let's keep an eye on some of the particulars
... if someone else posts a problem, maybe we can figure out what's
different between your computer and theirs.  E.G., what type of hardware
controls your scanner ... USB, firewire, SCSI?

> So far the Coolscan IV has been very satisfying.
> Vuescan has not performed any better that Nikon Scan 3.0.  Nikon Scan
> to scan color negatives better than Vuescan.

    Someone else has posted experiencing problems with focussing their new
Nikon ... as if the sensor had a VERY shallow depth of focus, that is, VERY
sensitive to film flatness.  What has your experience been??

> The analog gain in Nikon Scan
> is better that using Vuescan multi passes for dark slides. ...

    NS "analog gain" would be more analogous with Vuescan's manual control
of "exposure".

    Also, let us know what color space profiles NS allow you to choose from
... which is primarly why I scan with VS ... for wide gamut options, "Adobe
wide" is a terrible highbit editing space (altho it is well understood and
there shouldn't be any problem in converting from there to another).  But,
it would be better if NS allowed for choosing the LS-40's own device space,
a specific ICM file, or creating 'raw' RGB.

shAf  :o)

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