--- You wrote:
You will be able to chack whether it is the file, or a problem with the 
display/graphics system, by viewing the histogram. Contouring shows up as 
missing bit values, leaving the histogram looking like a mangy dog's comb.

What file type is this, and what processing has been done (and by what) en 
route to the screen? And what scanner/software?
--- end of quote ---
Thanks for the answers to this.  I am still finding my way with my semi-disabled
Nikon 3510AF.  Full resolution scans take 15 minutes and correcting the color
misregistration takes 10 more.  Until I can afford a modern scanner, I'm still
in the dark ages.  The film in one case is either Kodak 1000 negative film or an
800 negative film from maybe Agfa.   Definitley available light material shot in
my little Olympus XA4 (a jewel.)  I would have done some curves or gamma
adjustments in Photoshop.  Maybe a curves adjustment in the Nikon software for
one of the pictures.

The odd thing is that the posterization seems to show in the display and not in
the print.  This suggests a bug somewhere in the software or hardware.  It's
Photoshop 4.0.1 on a SuperMac with an ATI video board and a Sony monitor.  It's
all good stuff.

Still, this  Photoshop version  is a little buggy, I think.  I used to use this
version on a 68000 Mac and it worked better with regard to previews anyway.  On
the PPC Mac (it installs as a ppc version)    checking and unchecking preview
boxes may or may not affect the display depending on the thing being adjusted. 
When the display is previewed, the adjustment affects the whole screen,  so the
background becomes magenta or darker or whatever.   It's hard to make subtle
judgements that way even if the image fills most of the screen.  I don't think
the 68k Mac version did these things.  Maybe later versions don't. 

(Holding the mouse down on the drag strip of the control window in many
functions does cause the display to go back to the unpreviewed version in some
of the control windows but not all.  This seems to me to be sloppy programming,
probably corrected in later versions. )

So given these little probs with Photoshop, maybe there is something that causes
slightly unreliable display.


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