But for graphics there is nothing like a Solux -

SoLux is a patented light source that emits a beam of natural daylight
for optimal color rendering properties. SoLux is currently available as a 50
watt , 12 volt
lamp in a standard MR-16 format. It emits daylight at correlated color
of  3500K(± 200K), 4100K(± 200K), and 4700K (± 200K).
SoLux has a lifetime of 3000 hours, unsurpassed color rendering indices,
(see spectral power distribution curves) and ultra-low ultraviolet and
infrared radiation.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Oostrom, Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 4:06 AM
Subject: RE: filmscanners: film scanner software

| Did you know that there are examples of lightbulbs with a special kind of
| light: darkness!
| I know I have one!
| Let me just post you 2 of the 27 URLs, this will leave only 69 posts to
| follow!
| http://www.lightresource.com/dksk-02.html
| actually, the second one seems to disagree with this (ahhh ... science!):
| http://paul.merton.ox.ac.uk/science/darksucker.html
| > -----Original Message-----
| > From: Mystic [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| > Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 10:21 AM
| > Subject: Re: filmscanners: film scanner software
| >
| > Re:  Flame War
| >
| > How many list members does it take to change a light bulb???
| >
| > Answer: 578.
| >
| > 1 to change the light bulb and post to the list that the light bulb has
| > been changed.
| >
| [Oostrom, Jerry]  []
| > 27 to post URLs where one can see examples of different light bulbs.
| >
| > 44 to post that the URLs were posted incorrectly, and to post corrected
| > URLs.
| >
| >

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