Kevin Power wrote:

> Hope this is not off-topic to continue this discussion re "Best way to clean
> slides", but I have found it worthwhile to learn of the methods others use.
> I have found most of my problems arise when I put slides into competitions
> or when I project them for others. They seem to attract dust and gunk that
> must be sucked in somehow by projectors, let alone poor handling practises.
> Nevertheless, it is a real problem, that has to be overcome. Perhaps it is
> best to scan them first so one always has a digital copy.  Kevin.

Funny how fellow photographers are abusive with others images. 
Jealousy? ;-)

I do admit very few of my original slides get projected, and certainly 
not more than once.  If they deserve a second go, they get duped.  Of 
course, THAT can be where damages and dirt occur (by the lab)!

Slide projectors, and especially environments that allow smoking, are 
bad news for film.  Besides the residue that can develop (slide 
projectors (Kodak's Carousel and Ektagraphic particularly) have about 
200 points of lubrication with a half dozen different oils and greases
which both migrate and evaporate from the heat and fans, and can deposit 
on slides) also fade slides rather quickly.  In fact out steadfast 
Kodachrome, which has very good "dark keeping" properties, fades quite 
rapidly in bright light-- I'm speaking of losses of dye density within 
minutes under a projector bulb illumination.

Ektachromes, on the other hand fare better under bright lighting, but 
have poorer dark keeping properties.


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