Actually, Occam's Razor is a.k.a. KISS, the philosophical kiss being Keep It Simple Stupid. Also known as, first use what seems to be the simplest explanation and then perhaps the explanation-method will not grow more complex from there. but as they say in Internet parlance, <smile>, hehe, & LOL. Usually KISS becomes Murphy's Law.  And LOL in these cases usually becomes Lots Of Luck.

----- Original Message -----
From: Lynn Allen
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2001 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Cleaning slides (PEC tips)

James Gaa wrote:

>Actually, this is already known among adherents of Murphy's Law as the
Occam's Razor version.

"Ocham's Razor" (and I know we're not spelling this right), covers a lot of
ground. Most of it, in fact. We must give both of these great pholosophers
their due. :-)

Best regards--LRA

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