Okay, I can't put it off any longer. The new site is officially live. List
of additions and improvements is massive but highlights include:

-- more than a hundred new photographs (some have been on Zing)
-- new 'hard' (20-image) and 'extended' (50-image) edits of HUMAN TRAFFIC,
including new jpegs of the best pictures from the portfolio prints
-- new sections dealing with equipment & techniques of street photography
including shyness, exposure, film, cameras, digital etc.
-- new calibration page for setting up your monitor
-- completely revamped sitewide navigation system
-- bio and links to my filmography
-- artist's statement (check it out!)
-- several other new sections including links to my custom sharpening

If you have time & inclination, please check it out and let me know what you
think. Bouquets and brickbats equally welcome, but do your best to break it


(Hopefully as a large-format/scanner/piezo/leica-using
documentary-cum-streetphotographer this message is on-topic for all the
lists it's going to!)
John Brownlow/Johnny Deadman


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