Thanks Rob, and Dail&Gail, for the lists of fixes in the
PSP7.02 patch.

I use PSP7.0 almost every day on 2700ppi filmscans, and
luckily I haven't hit any of these problems. I've had it
since the UK launch (about a year ago?). This is on a 400MHz
Pentium II with 192MB RAM.

I use the clipboard a lot, with no problems, and I've used
the salt & pepper filter a few times. It's extremely slow,
but works as advertised.
I've had very few crashes, in fact, and don't associate them
with the issues mentioned. With only 192MB, I'm quite
careful not to be spendthrift with memory, to avoid disk

I'll see if I can extract a patch on disk from the UK
distributors, because a 10MB download  'patch' is
ridiculous - obviously it's a whole new program. I've
successfully upgraded PSP several times in the past using
very quick & easy patches.

Alan T

----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Geraghty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Paintshop Pro

> Alan wrote:
> >Do you know what's in the 'patch'?
> I don't know *everything* that is in the patch, but I do
know a number of
> critical bug fixes in it.  These are mostly related to the
use of the clipboard.
>  If you try to copy and paste a large amount of data, it
may crash PSP.
>  I found that PSP would also crash if you use the salt and
pepper filter
> on a large image, and some of the other photo editing

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