Douglas Landrum wrote:

> Do photographers wandering around the street really get these things?  If
> so, what so they say?

Yes, some do.  Mine is very simple... by signing this document, you give 
up all rights and privileges granted you under all jurisdictions as a 
result of your assumed humanity  ;)

You are correct that a really inclusive one is several pages of fine 
print.  I only use these when I am working on a commercial shoot with 
models who are paid to model and represent a specific scenario.

My street releases are two paragraphs.  They say that the person is of 
the legal age of majority to sign a contract (or can do so on behalf of 
a minor or an animal/pet in question).  They say that for value 
considered and received (usually comprised of photographic prints) they 
relinquish rights to further compensation.  That the image is property 
of the photographer who may use it in a commercial manner, including 
changing the name the person is depicted under, and also the image may 
be manipulated.  It says that the terms within the document are 
transferable as part of the estate of the photographer.

It's slightly fleshier, but not much more so.


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