At 09:31 AM 23/05/01 +1000, Joel & Rob wrote:
> >.. The E100VS can be a little OTT in really warm light
>I tried one roll after the lab raved about it.  Some photos I took of a
>sunset have saturated in quite bizarre ways.

And another 2c worth - I was unfortunate enough to shoot a roll of E100VS 
on a model in late afternoon sunlight..  Her fleshtones went off the 
planet, with very weird saturated yellow-gold areas, almost 
'solarised'.  It looked as if I had used some technique to deliberately get 
the effect..

I admit it was processed by a non-pro lab, so this ain't scientific 
evidence, but I would hesitate to ever use this film again in early morning 
or late afternoon light, esp. now after hearing these comments on the list.

Mark T.

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