on 5/28/01 10:00 AM, Alan Eckert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Silverfast Ai 5.0 came bundled with my Sprintscan 4000 and, while it seems to
> be very capable scanning software, it has one highly annoying trait.  It
> presents the registration box every time I invoke it, and I must laboriously
> re-enter the registration number each time.  It's frustrating enough to send
> me back to Insight, so you can guess how frustrating THAT it!  :-)  Am I doing
> something wrong?  Thanks in advance for any assistance.

You need to update it to 5.2 by downloading the updater from the silverfast
website. This solves the problem.
> On another issue, does anyone have a suggestion for which film to select in
> Silverfast when scanning Superia 200.  I have tried several settings, with
> very unsatisfactory results.  The scans are either too dark or too light, and
> inferior to drugstore prints.

Download Ian Lyon's tutorial on scanning negatives from his site at:


Fast forward to the part about setting up your own color expansion
parameters on the fourth page:


This is the only solution in my experience, other than simply doing a raw
scan and color correcting in Photoshop. Overall I find Silverfast does a
pretty dismal job on color and b/w neg. Vuescan is better, but in the end I
always end up doing it myself.
John Brownlow


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