At 02:27 PM 6/6/01, Maris V. Lidaka, Sr. wrote:

>Perhaps the easiest way to start is to just leave it at the
>default settings except the Color tab where you can select your film type,
>the Files Tab where you may wish to select the default folder for saving the
>scan, and the default viewer on the Prefs tab.

Thanks to you (Maris) , Lynn, et al for all the suggestions you have 
made.  You have saved me considerable time.  Perhaps, I can be more 
efficient in my approach.  I know from all my years of working with 
photographic and computer work, there is no substitute for undertaking a 
specific, limited, project and then just proceeding.  Eventually, 
experience and expertise will follow.  Having said this, I know from years 
of business experience that there is no substitute to working with a 
"Master" in whatever field you are studying.

Thanks to all the "Masters" on this list.


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