On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:54:57 -0700  Paul Chefurka 

> So the question is:  what factors would conspire to lower the 
> resolution fractionally like that?  The suspects I come up with are:
> - CCD bloom
inescapable, though the technology attempts to minimise it

> - An interaction between the analog detail on the neg and the discrete 
> CCD pixels (leading to something like dither if I'm not mistaken)
D'you mean aliasing? This is a brick wall phenomenon : the point at which 
aliasing occurs is the point at there is no meaningful resolution of the 
target, just mush.

> - System noise
Shouldn't count for much in high-contrast tests used for MTF testing, 
though the inherent contrast of the scanner system will affect results.

Of course they are testing the whole scanner system, presumably, including 
its own lens. So optical losses like flare and aberrations will figure in 
empirical results - and so they should, if they are to bear any relevance 
to real-life use.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons

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