On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Lawrence Smith wrote:

> Rafe,
> What are your other settings for the 5 minute scans?  I find that a 16x
> multisample, 14bit, ICE normal scan of a 645 transpanency takes about 20-25
> mintues....

Well, for starters, I'm not using multi-sampling, 
and I'm only using 24 bit (vs. 42 bit) color.

Do you see a real benefit to multi-sampling?

I haven't played with the 14-bit color yet.  Not 
sure if there's any major benefit, and of course 
the downside is 2x the size of these already 
huge image files.

(The other issue here is that I still prefer to 
work in Photoshop 4, where the support is very 
limited for 48-bit color.)

rafe b.

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