good documentation cost money, and its not a "sexy" it will not
sell more scanners. So that's why you see poor documentation..

Lets be honest here ok?

"Lynn Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

>Poor documentation is at least 1/2 the problem in these complaints--I'd 
>direct anyone interested to the Letters Page of PC World (Aug 2001). The 
>other half can probably be found in Scott Adams' "Dilbert" cartoons 
>(available in soft-cover, if your newspaper doesn't carry it).
>Is the criticism valid? Yeah, it is. And it's fixable, too. Have I seen 
>anybody trying to do so, lately? Nuh-uh. AFAIC, the mfgrs are just cutting 
>to deep to be competitive--they're cutting the product, cutting the user, 
>and ultimately cutting themselves, IMHO.
>Best regards--LRA


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