A zoom (or variable focal length) lens narrows the field of view as the focal
length is increased - that's magnification.


Arthur Entlich wrote:

> Austin Franklin wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Yes, this is in fact exactly what I am speaking of.  Minolta does this
> > > on a small scale with their Multi scanner line.
> >
> > That's not zooming, it's changing the magnification.  That is entirely
> > different.
> I'm not sure I see a difference in this case.  If the area of the film
> being projected onto the CCD array is reduced or increased, how does
> this differ from the use of a zoom.  Doesn't a zoom lens change
> magnification ratios?   I must be missing something.  I don't see much
> of a difference in the theory...
> Art

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