At 01:09 AM 7/16/01 -0400, Todd wrote:

>You know what I hate most about the Leaf? It's that each stage of the
>process before you get to the scan is a separate operation, with too many
>dialog boxes.

Todd -- I'm not taking sides in your debate with Austin, 
though enjoying the dialog, nonetheless.

The point you make above (and the steps you elaborate 
in the following paragraphs) are fairly typical for 
other film scanner drivers also.  Which is one of the 
reasons I generally disregard scanner "speed" comparisons.

1. Time to "set up" the scan often exceeds the time 
taken to actually perform the scan, at least for the 
way I work.

2. Time spent fiddling with the image in Photoshop 
afterwards completely dwarfs the scan time + scan 
setup time.

It's like asking which brand of car will get you 
from 34th St. to the Bronx in the least time.

I've also questioned Austin before (and agree with 
your skepticism) that exposure times can be varied 
willy-nilly with no effect on scan quality.  This 
is quite contrary to my experience with film 
scanners and photography in general.

rafe b.

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