On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 17:42:47 -0400  Enoch's Vision, Inc. (Cary Enoch R...) 

> That's true but be careful using Norton's repair procedure in automatic 
> mode because it's overly enthusiastic it can remove perfectly good 
> registry keys

I've heard this, but never personally had it happen with Norton. 
Specifically it seems very reliable at detecting and fixing COM 
problems. But I do realise a lot of people regard it with fear and 
loathing and likely have their own good reasons, so yes, backups are wise. 
 I have every machine here automatically archive its registry every day 
via Autoexec.bat, and that has been a vital lifeline many times. However, 
touch wood, Norton has never yet been the reason.

Cleansweep, however, is potentially apocalyptic if used for registry 
cleaning, or orphan file removal procedures... 


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons

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