Other than personal preference, the only benefit I see is that you can see
the image better in Photopaint/PS and have more features available with
which to make various adjustments, including changing to different color
spaces, and have the information panel available.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Woolfenden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Vuescan question

| I prefer to
| > fine-tune color, contrast and everything else in post-scan processing in
| > Photopaint or Photoshop or PSP or whatever your favorite program is.
| Thanks Maris  - is their any benefit to be had by doing things this way as
| opposed to doing it up-front? Other than , I suppose , when scanning a
| of stuff using the same parameters ?
| Steve

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