At 01:37 AM 7/26/01 +0100, Jawed wrote:

>Of course you soon discover that curves are where it's at - but Levels does
>things that Curves is a RPITA to do, e.g. set gamma!  There's nearly as much
>value in learning how to grapple with Curves as there is in choosing PS in
>preference to something less functional (well, I say this, but I haven't
>used any other graphics editing software anything like as seriously as I've
>used PS).

Jawed, I'm not sure how you mean that last paragraph, 
but IMHO, the Curves tool is the single most powerful 
tool for color correction.  Period, end of story.  

I wouldn't use an image editor or scanner driver that 
didn't have one.

In a way, the Levels tools is "Curves Lite."  You 
can set black point, white point, gray point and 
gamma.  But Curves can do SO much more.

Any Photoshop book worth its salt will show you 
how to use the Curves tool, but the absolute 
Master at that, bar none, is Dan Margulis.

rafe b.

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