I got a loaner FS4000US film scanner from Canon today,
and I also got the SDK I need from Apple to add support
for FireWire scanners on Mac OS X.  When it rains,
it pours <smile>.

I've done a preliminary assessment of what it will take to
add support for the FS4000US to VueScan, and it doesn't
look like it will be very difficult.  It uses the same
scsi-over-usb procotol that the Canon FB1210 uses, 
and I'm able to dump out these commands and
reverse-engineer them.  The scsi commands are quite
similar to those used by the Canon FS2710, so I should
be able to re-use a lot of this code.

I also received an SDK from Apple that will let me
add support for FireWire scanners on Mac OS X.
This doesn't look like it will be very hard to add.

I think I'll be able to get the FireWire support added
by next week some time, and hopefully will be able
to get FS4000 support in the following week.

I'm going to have to temporarily unsubscribe from
this list, since I'm going to Germany for a while.
I'll have my laptop, but I'd appreciate it if people
could defer e-mailed questions until mid-week
next week.

Ed Hamrick

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