SilverFast, don't you luv it? Fantastic scans from tranies, pants when it
comes to negs.

So I spend two days getting it sorted. Now I can scan negs with
SilverFast! It's all to do with NOT TOUCHING that 'Auto' button, cos it
automatically messes everything up. A quick fiddle with the 'Color Cast
Removal' slider and now we're getting there. Does this slider get a
mention in any instructions, anywhere?

Anyway, now my neg scans are as good as my tranie scans, it only took a year.

So I happen to be passing the LaserSoft web site and what do you know?
They updated SilverFast to version five and a half. And what does five
and a half do that five can't? Yup, they sorted the neg scanning problem.

And they really have. I tried the demo and was so impressed I coughed up
the $45. 

Of course there's no film profiles for Kodak Supra...  But the 'no
profile' setting is better than good enough. (No green shadows either!)

Uno problemo. I got a mail from LaserSoft telling me my new serial number
and to enter it in the demo version to remove the watermark.

But the demo doesn't give an option to put a serial number in...

So it's still pants, until someone tells me how!

Oh, by the way, you can do batch scanning with individual correction for
each frame now. Of course they all get watermarked...

David Gordon

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