This appears to be making a mountain out of a molehill surely. Defragging should be done regularly anyway, uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop is not difficult, likewise the plug-ins and all you need to do is back-up the profiles created by the previous IT8 calibrations. You shouldn't need to redo them. Think positive :-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: SilverFast Upgrade Disaster

Thanks, Steve.  SilverFast also advised me to set the marching ants frame
inside of where they were supposed to be.  I tried it and it didn't work for
me.  But when I was finally able to get a new serial number for the 5.5
upgrade, I found that I was able do an IT8 calibration with no problem and
with the frame set where it should be.  I don't understand what's going on,
but I'm sure the SilverFast software needs some calibration of its own.  

Now my problem is that I get an error from Photoshop when scanning with my
medium format scanner.  SilverFast people say I have a memory problem and I'm
going to have to reinstall Photoshop to cure the problem.  So first, I have
to transfer 20 GB of data from my hard drive to CD to clean the hard drive up
a bit.  Then I have to defrag the hard drive.  Then I have to figure out how
to uninstall Photoshop.  Then I have to install Photoshop.  Then I have to
download and install the 6.0.1 update for Photoshop.  Then I have to figure
out how to uninstall SilverFast again.   Then I have to reinstall both
SilverFast Ai and HDR, not from a CD disc, but as a download since I paid for
the upgrade.  Then I have 5 other plug-ins for Photoshop that also have to be
reinstalled.  And finally, I have to do four IT8 calibrations, one each for
the two film scanners that use SilverFast and two more for a flatbed scanner
that uses a different Photoshop plug-in.  I sure hope that the SilverFast
recommendation to reinstall Photoshop solves my problem.

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