Robert wrote:

>I don't think PS LE allows access to individual channels in the curves

It does--sort of--in Adjust/Curves. It does *not* allow individual 
separations into (BW) RGB channels. The lower-priced CorelDraw will, 

>In the full version you can select the color channel in the curves dialog 
>and control click(PC) on a point in the image, then change the output level 
>to the desired amount. Do this to each of the color channels before 
>clicking "OK" and you will have adjusted the image as you are suggesting.

That *does* work. However, it still blows the white-point--i.e. you can't 
seem turn the shadows to turquoise (a minor adjustment toward yellow-blue) 
and retain the snow color (in the tutorial "Bear"), without getting it back 
to blue. Not that there's going to be a lot of snow in a tropical lagoon, of 
course. ;-)

>If the adjustment is really great, I suspect you might get some wild
>results, but this is the method commonly used to adjust flesh tones.

For sure! Good psychedelic stuff, though. ;-)

>In most cases you probably would use a color sampler and input the 
>sampler's tones and output the desired tones in each channel.

OK, the "Color Sampler" part is probably what I'm not getting, and the thing 
I'm doing wrong. I was sampling a color from the palettes menu, and this was 
not working well...good, perhaps, but not well. ;-) What I was *trying* to 
do was tell PS that "This chosen coordinate is supposed to be this color." 
It *does* that, but crabs the white point toward Yellow by adding yellow 
globally in the same percentage, not in >relative< percentages.

Possibly I'm doing this correction wrong, or expecting the software to be 
smarter than it is. :-)

Best regards--LRA

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