At 01:49 PM 8/16/01 +0000, Lynn Allen wrote:

>Acer Scanwit (either with or without IR) is definitely worth looking at.

Hi Lynn,

Do you have problems loading slides into your ScanWit or is it just 
me?  I'd been using mine just for negatives for a few weeks and was 
thinking that it was the best thing since sliced bread.  Well, maybe not 
really that good but I was pretty well satisfied after I tried some 100 ASA 
film instead of Portra 400VC.  Well, yesterday I got back some mounted 
Velvia slides and I really like the quality of the scans but loading the 
holder is driving me crazy.  I've tried turning the thing in forty eleven 
different directions but I haven't found a method that works well.  Are 
there any secrets that might help with slides other than getting them cut 
and sleeved instead of mounted?


Johnny Johnson
Lilburn, GA

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